Taking a retrospective look
at the Sierra de las Nieves we can see that this
area, that is uniform both from a physical and
cultural aspect, has been capriciously taken
apart in the past, preventing the territory from
being structured in accordance with the
homogeneity of the environment and culture
existing in the Sierra.
However, the uniqueness of the
land and its people has in the
past been one of the cohesive
elements that not even the
passing of time has been able to
erase, or even weaken.
This area was characterised,
amongst many other elements, by
sharing a common gastronomy,
consisting of a series of simply
prepared dishes. For example the
existence of soups based on
bread, common to all the
villages of the Sierra, but with
a local touch to each of them,
creating dishes that are similar
to each other but at the same
time so authentic, like the sopa
de siete ramales of El Burgo,
the sopa hervía of Alozaina or
the tomato soup of Monda.
The uniformity of the cooking
and a countless list of folk
wisdom, activities and sayings
were transmitted from village to
village along the innumerable
trails, tracks and animal paths
that led from one locality to
the next. These paths that were
apparently just simple,
rudimentary lines of
communication, in fact formed a
web of information woven on the
vast and unorganized Sierra.
Because the shepherds,
goatherds, egg and chicken
sellers, muleteers, farmhands,
charcoal makers and thousands of
other men and women took
something more than just their
animals and the merchandise from
place to place.
These animal trails were
therefore real highways of
information, which enabled
travellers to share their
sorrows and their joys, forms of
expression and day to day
living, or even, and why not,
just have a little nap.
With the above, what we are
trying to demonstrate is that
the Sierra de las Nieves has its
own culture, which is preserved
thanks to being passed orally
from one generation to the next,
and is anchored in the memory
and recollections of its
inhabitants. But it is not
possible to understand the
vision that the Sierra people
have of the world without
considering their natural
surroundings. What we are
talking about is a relationship
between environment and culture.
A human being has to be
understood within his physical
environment, as another part of
the whole, which he transforms
and makes the most of, but with
criteria of sustainability that
are present now but rooted in
the past. The incredible thing
about this situation is that is
that they existed long before
there was any question as to the
rationality of the models for
development….they are
sustainable and rational because
that is how they are, and have
always been. That is to say, a
farmer from Yunquera cultivates
his land in patches or on
terraces for the same reason
that a farmer from Istán strips
the cork from his cork trees, or
the farmer from Monda grafts a
wild olive tree onto a
cultivated one, because that is
how it has been done “forever”,
and not because he is responding
to any current terms of
sustainability, even if they are
rather clever.
But this is the image that, if
we recall the Sierra de las
Nieves of YESTERDAY, is what we
have TODAY, although there is a
twist to the reality because the
situation tends to change at a
dizzy speed.
The geographical situation of
the Sierra de las Nieves,
mid-way between the Sierra of
Ronda and the Western Cost, and
its latent proximity to the
capital of the province of
Malaga, at barely 35-40 minutes
distance, raises its position as
one of the most privileged
ecological environments in the
province and therefore, an
attractive destination for
holidays and business within the
tourism and real estate sectors.
Ethnographically there is
evidence of the beginning of a
diversion from the model of
economic growth that, having
proven to be unsustainable,
unsuccessful, finished and
out-of-place, is trying to
instill the same globality and
economic uniformity in the
Sierra de las Nieves. New vital
growth-rates, new models for
development that ignore the
sentiments of territorial
belonging that these people have
for their land. Apart from
casting aside those ways of life
that have always enabled them to
raise their spirits in the face
of the many difficulties
suffered during the course of
their lives, and that have
provided them with a high level
of ethical and moral dignity.
According to Dr. Mandly, Head of
the Department of Social
Anthropology of the University
of Seville, who has been working
for years on researching
ecological-cultural development,
a territory subjected to a
process of development for the
use of the land will only be
able to assume it as its own if
that process keeps alive the
historical and cultural memory
that qualifies it and is adopted
by it. Current development does
not take into account that
society is a production of time
and culture is a process of
development, and that they are
altering the course of cultural
The Sierra de las Nieves is
close to culture in its purest
state, seeking significance,
actions with the intention to
communicate and putting the
finger on the sore spot of
feelings and memories. In Istán,
right in the middle of the
Christmas celebrations, one of
the residents tried to remember
the Christmas carol that was
being sung at that moment in the
streets, saying:
-Right now I can’t remember it,
but when it comes back to me,
I’ll remember!
Our objective is this. To wait
for the memories to come out,
the activation of a memory that
cannot be controlled, that is
remembered when it comes back!!
The current models for financial
growth, that are already
outdated and unsustainable, end
up showing us how many witty
sayings and expressions, even
today, are still applicable in
referring to the relationship of
man with his natural
environment, his memories and
the past, and that, represented
as such, are capable of
stimulating a feeling of
belonging in the inhabitants of
this sierra, a sense of social
and cultural identity.
Culture in the Sierra de las
Nieves must be considered TODAY
as being the best heritage,
without forgetting that it
should be incorporated into the
Information and Communication
Society, because the New
Technologies have to be subject
to our model of development,
spreading to the four winds that
our culture is the example to
follow….so many centuries of
history cannot be mistaken. |